John Whitehurst

Recently retired from the National Park Service with over 35 years of federal service. He spent the last 17 years as the cultural resources specialist at Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve where he directed all types of cultural resources investigations and historic preservation projects. He holds a BA and MA in Anthropology from the University of South Florida in Tampa. Before his time at Timucuan he was the cultural resources specialist at New River Gorge NRA in West Virginia. 

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John Whitehurst

Recently retired from the National Park Service with over 35 years of federal service. He spent the last 17 years as the cultural resources specialist at Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve where he directed all types of cultural resources investigations and historic preservation projects. He holds a BA and MA in Anthropology from the University of South Florida in Tampa. Before his time at Timucuan he was the cultural resources specialist at New River Gorge NRA in West Virginia. 

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Read more at SEAC