Hannah Fromknecht


In this episode, we are joined by Hannah Fromknecht; former SEAC Archeological Technician and graduate student at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

Hannah began her tenure as an archeologist at Florida State University. Where she earned two Bachelor's degrees; one in Anthropology and the other in Psychology. It was during her studies when she began volunteering at SEAC. Eventually, she became an intern and later earned a position as one of our Archeological Technicians.

Throughout her time as an archeologist, Hannah has had the opportunity to conduct fieldwork in some amazing places. One of which is Poland, where she worked at an atypical cemetery excavation. She has also worked at some great sites in the southeastern US. Now she resides in Scotland, where she is working towards a Master's degree in Osteoarcheology at the University of Aberdeen.

Listen to her answers to our 15 questions, and get an interesting perspective from someone who has conducted archeology both here at SEAC and abroad.

To see the video of our conversation, head over to SEAC's YouTube channel!

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Hannah Fromknecht


In this episode, we are joined by Hannah Fromknecht; former SEAC Archeological Technician and graduate student at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

Hannah began her tenure as an archeologist at Florida State University. Where she earned two Bachelor's degrees; one in Anthropology and the other in Psychology. It was during her studies when she began volunteering at SEAC. Eventually, she became an intern and later earned a position as one of our Archeological Technicians.

Throughout her time as an archeologist, Hannah has had the opportunity to conduct fieldwork in some amazing places. One of which is Poland, where she worked at an atypical cemetery excavation. She has also worked at some great sites in the southeastern US. Now she resides in Scotland, where she is working towards a Master's degree in Osteoarcheology at the University of Aberdeen.

Listen to her answers to our 15 questions, and get an interesting perspective from someone who has conducted archeology both here at SEAC and abroad.

To see the video of our conversation, head over to SEAC's YouTube channel!

 We would love to get your feedback! Email


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