Our guest on this episode of 15 Minutes with the Doctor is Andreas Cleve, co-founder of Corti.ai. It’s a voice-based digital assistant that augments conversations that emergency call handlers have with patients, to provide them with additional support in real-time. Learn how Corti started, how it can provide second opinions using AI, and their focus on high-quality data.

Topics Covered in this Episode:

The premise of Corti
The origins of Corti
Corti’s data
How Corti will help further healthcare

The premise of Corti

Medical expertise is hard to acquire, and Corti can help fill the gaps
It is a voice-based digital system that curates data from millions of previous emergency calls
It distributes the expertise of medical professionals beyond their reach

“Corti will listen in when a patient and medical professional are conversing and try to help the medical professional come up with the most plausible course of action to triage the patient.”
The origins of Corti

Founded in 2016
Andreas recognised that medical professionals could feel overwhelmed by the limits of their medical knowledge
There is a lot of pressure on medical professionals to detect, diagnose, and treat patients based on one conversation with them

“Illness has always been a big part of my life and learning to cope with it. The importance of having access to support and advice and expertise is something that is possible.”
Corti’s data

Currently, 7 emergency organisations are using Corti’s service
Data has been collected from over 7 million emergency calls
Corti provides a multi-dimensional platform that will help medical professionals augment their opinions with previous similar patient conversations
With follow-up data, Corti can offer probabilities for diagnosis and treatment

“We can reduce the number of undetected cardiac arrests by up to 44%”
How Corti will help further healthcare

Healthcare must stand the test of time
Start from high-acuity conversations in emergency care then move into broader aspects such as triage
Corti’s employees truly believe in the mission of making second opinions accessible to everyone

“Corti can pattern-track what is said and correlate it to clean data.”
For more information:
https://www.corti.ai/Corti AI supports emergency service dispatchers by providing diagnostic advice