Are there things that you wish you could do? Wish you could get up earlier to be more productive? Wish you could get to the gym more frequently? Wish you could eat better? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have plenty of room to grow when it comes to self-control and willpower. You need to get uncomfortable and make incremental changes toward your goal. And you need to be consistent! That means every day. And when you make enough incremental changes and create a massive shift from the person you once were, you can become a master or your personal world and nothing can stop you from getting to where you want to go. Every day you should be striving to be slightly better than you were the day before, so when you look back you don’t even recognize who you were before you started. But it’s tough. It takes self-discipline. Can you do it?

- Visit to find out where you fall when it comes to spiral dynamics and human behavior

- Visit to become a certified coach with the Human Potential Institute

- Follow me on instagram at

Are there things that you wish you could do? Wish you could get up earlier to be more productive? Wish you could get to the gym more frequently? Wish you could eat better? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have plenty of room to grow when it comes to self-control and willpower. You need to get uncomfortable and make incremental changes toward your goal. And you need to be consistent! That means every day. And when you make enough incremental changes and create a massive shift from the person you once were, you can become a master or your personal world and nothing can stop you from getting to where you want to go. Every day you should be striving to be slightly better than you were the day before, so when you look back you don’t even recognize who you were before you started. But it’s tough. It takes self-discipline. Can you do it?

- Visit to find out where you fall when it comes to spiral dynamics and human behavior

- Visit to become a certified coach with the Human Potential Institute

- Follow me on instagram at