Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you doubted yourself?  It happens to every single one of us.  No matter how confident we might believe ourselves to be, all it takes is one shred of self-doubt for us to slink down into the abyss.  This week while traveling to Salt Lake City on business, I learned a very valuable lesson:  I belong.  While I’ve always carried myself with an heir of confidence, listen to find out why I’ve received such a big boost this week and how you can do the same. 

• Visit http://bit.ly/hpicoaching to become a certified coach with the Human Potential Institute. 

• Searching for additional ways to improve your physical and cognitive performance?  Head to http://bit.ly/optimizedpeptides for high quality products that are sure to optimize your life.

•  Check out http://bit.ly/Optimizedlifeshow for exclusive content and downloadable PDFs for each episode.

•  Interested in joining the Mindset Matters group on Facebook?  Email me at [email protected] or follow this link http://bit.ly/MindsetMattersGroup Once you click join we'll reach out to you to confirm your membership.

Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you doubted yourself?  It happens to every single one of us.  No matter how confident we might believe ourselves to be, all it takes is one shred of self-doubt for us to slink down into the abyss.  This week while traveling to Salt Lake City on business, I learned a very valuable lesson:  I belong.  While I’ve always carried myself with an heir of confidence, listen to find out why I’ve received such a big boost this week and how you can do the same. 

• Visit http://bit.ly/hpicoaching to become a certified coach with the Human Potential Institute. 

• Searching for additional ways to improve your physical and cognitive performance?  Head to http://bit.ly/optimizedpeptides for high quality products that are sure to optimize your life.

•  Check out http://bit.ly/Optimizedlifeshow for exclusive content and downloadable PDFs for each episode.

•  Interested in joining the Mindset Matters group on Facebook?  Email me at [email protected] or follow this link http://bit.ly/MindsetMattersGroup Once you click join we'll reach out to you to confirm your membership.