In a world of instant communication and access to pretty much everything just a click away, simplification becomes king in an overcrowded marketplace.  It's in our nature to assume that complicated always equals better.  Why is this wrong?  Overly complicated processes and procedures become difficult to follow.  When a system is simple, it's easy to maintain because there is a next logical step.  Today I'm going to help bring some of these complex issues to light and explain how you can start simplifying your life today.

• Visit to find out where you fall when it comes to spiral dynamics and human behavior

• Visit to become a certified coach with the Human Potential Institute

•  Check out for exclusive content and downloadable PDFs for each episode.

• Follow me on Instagram at

In a world of instant communication and access to pretty much everything just a click away, simplification becomes king in an overcrowded marketplace.  It's in our nature to assume that complicated always equals better.  Why is this wrong?  Overly complicated processes and procedures become difficult to follow.  When a system is simple, it's easy to maintain because there is a next logical step.  Today I'm going to help bring some of these complex issues to light and explain how you can start simplifying your life today. • Visit to find out where you fall when it comes to spiral dynamics and human behavior

• Visit to become a certified coach with the Human Potential Institute

•  Check out for exclusive content and downloadable PDFs for each episode.

• Follow me on Instagram at