Mix 002: “When you change the facts, you change points of view.”

1. White Hex — “Sisters”, 2014.
2. Skinny Puppy — “Worlock”, 1988.
3. Traitrs — “Heretic”, 2017.
4. The Sound — “New Dark Age”, 1981.
5. Bob Moses — “Talk”, 2015.
6. Hante — “Lies / Light”, 2017.
7. The New Division — “Soft”, 2011.
8. Depeche Mode — “New Dress”, 1986.
9. The Chain Gang of 1974 — “Teenagers”, 2011.
10. Laibach — “Francia”, 2006.
11. Xingu Hill + Black Lung — “Mysteries of the Worm”, 2002.
12. Oomph — “Purple Skin”, 1992.
13. Gene Loves Jezebel — “Desire”, 1986.
14. Divine Fits — “For Your Heart”, 2012.