Launch Alert! That's right. We have a brand spanking new newsletter. Dropping this Friday, The Cusp is our spicy newsletter exploring well-being and wellness through a consumption-critical, intersectional, humorous lens. Today we're spilling the tea on what The Cusp is all about and giving you a sneak peek into what's to come and why we made it. We'll be taking an unfiltered approach to testing out products, ideas, people, and methods while featuring experts we trust to weigh in on topics alongside our opinions. 

Check out the full reports, engage in unfiltered, unfettered convo with your fellow Cuspers, share, and explore at

We want to know your thoughts! Send us a text, voice recording, or video at +1 818-699-9735 (+ a mushroom emoji) with the product, service, or trend you're dying to hear us dig deep on.

[01:15] Michelle shares her journey creating the first newsletter for Holisticism and in conceptualizing the new newsletter, The Cusp
[03:30] The intention of The Cusp is to show several different perspectives and then let you make your own decision for yourself on what to invest in
[08:22] The Cusp is a bi-monthly newsletter where in the first week of the month, we deliver a product review. We interview independent experts in the industry to get their opinion, to test the product, and figure out how potent and useful it is
[09:03] The second email of the month is our deep dive on wellness trends. It's going to be a very fun, quick, and detailed read
[09:25] You'll get access to The Cusp community, which is a private community hosted in Mighty Networks, where you can connect and share your experiences
[15:20] The Cusp will be community supported so we're excited for people to participate and share their experiences
[17:29] Michelle learned the most about intuitive business by looking at other industries that are not in the wellness space and seeing how they structure their systems and applying it to Holisticism
[20:10] The first two versions of The Cusp will be featured on the Holisticism email list for free
[21:10] A few themes to come in the newsletter are: Psychedelic apps, anti-anxiety wearables, acne neutral skincare, caffeine alternatives, non-binary sex tech, and psilocybin dosing

The show notes for this episode can be found at