Jacqueline Way

Jacqueline Way has dedicated herself to social good projects both personally and professionally for over two decades raising over 10 million dollars for organizations globally, but it was Motherhood that inspired her to make a world of difference.

In 2010 she made a commitment with her oldest son on his 3rd birthday to give back to the world every day for one year. They called it 365give. What started as a simple parenting project is now a global giving movement. Her TEDx Talk “How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World” has received world-wide attention connecting and inspiring people around the world to give every day.

Jacqueline is now an inspirational Key Note Speaker and Executive Director of 365give working with a dedicated team of volunteers growing their vision to change the world 1 give, 1 day at a time. www.365give.ca Instagram @365give.ca FB @365give Twitter @365give YouTube @365give #365give #do1give

Jacqueline Way

Jacqueline Way has dedicated herself to social good projects both personally and professionally for over two decades raising over 10 million dollars for organizations globally, but it was Motherhood that inspired her to make a world of difference.

In 2010 she made a commitment with her oldest son on his 3rd birthday to give back to the world every day for one year. They called it 365give. What started as a simple parenting project is now a global giving movement. Her TEDx Talk “How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World” has received world-wide attention connecting and inspiring people around the world to give every day.

Jacqueline is now an inspirational Key Note Speaker and Executive Director of 365give working with a dedicated team of volunteers growing their vision to change the world 1 give, 1 day at a time. www.365give.ca Instagram @365give.ca FB @365give Twitter @365give YouTube @365give #365give #do1give