Chris McClure- 

I help leaders like you navigate challenges and achieve your goals so you can experience the full, rich, satisfying, abundant life that God created you to live.

I do this through executive coaching and leadership training. You can learn more at

Throughout a 20-year career as a pastor, I found myself feeling stuck and frustrated multiple times. I was frustrated with dysfunctional leadership situations and unhealthy cultures.

I discovered that the quality and capacity of leadership directly affects all aspects of any organization.

I believed I was made to be, do, and have more than I was experiencing.

Each time I faced these scenarios, I took intentional action to grow in order to break through to the next level of my personal life and leadership capabilities.

Today, I am a transformed man who helps other leaders reach their potential within their own context.

My wife and I are blessed with 3 amazing kids and live in the Dayton, OH area.


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