I play many roles in my life; mother, friend, best-selling author, coach, mentor, and international speaker. I love to support business owners who suffer from overwhelm and stress to stop, listen and trust their intuition so that they can create more time, space and live guilt free. However, I consider myself to be an adventurer and a soul who loves to live effortlessly. I love to travel, and most of the time you will find me on a plane, experiencing what the world has to offer us. I have lived in 7 different countries; Switzerland, Chile, France, Germany, Spain, Bali, UK and speak 3 languages (Spanish, English and German) and gave birth to my beautiful son in Bali in October 2014. I would say my little one is my greatest teacher. He is so much fun and amazing soul, who reminds me of the essence of who we all really are, and keeps me grounded on a daily basis. Being a mum is one of the most rewarding and also challenging things that I have done, and I make sure that my lifestyle business fits around these two as they are the most important people in my life I love to ski and being in nature is the ultimate for me. My idea of a lifestyle that works for me is to be able to have a horizon I can look out on, whether it be an ocean or mountains.