Yannick’s enthusiasm as a coach, trainer and human being is unprecedented. His passion for exploring what it means to live a good life, happy and full of experiences led him explore a large range of topics from applied psychology to philosophy. As a coach, mediator, coach trainer & supervisor and as a creative, critical thinker who’s determined to introduce effective programmes to schools, companies and individuals, Yannick helps his clients explore their world, build a strong foundation of who they are and as a result grow, resolve conflicts and embrace life’s challenges. He is a certified Existential Coach (MA), Positive Psychologist (MSc) and Regent’s College-accredited mediator for alternative conflict resolution. He has worked with some of the leading figures in the European Positive Psychology scene and on various personal development programmes such as LifeClubs, the German “Schulfach Glück” (School Subject Happiness) and the Haberdashers Askes Wellbeing Curriculum. Yannick currently programme-leads the MSc Coaching Psychology at the University of East London and lectures on the world’s first MSc Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP). He also designs and runs weekend courses in Existential Coaching and Positive Psychology Coaching at Animas Centre for Coaching.

Yannick actively supports the development of integrative approaches to coaching and therapy and has contributed a chapter in the first academic book publication in this field. He is a core team member of the Association of Integrative Coach-Therapy Professionals organising the world’s first conference on the subject, he’s part of the core team at London’s Personal Well-being Centre and he works as a Personal Consultant in private practice offering his own unique integrative approach.

Yannick teaches and lectures on the topics of existentialism, coaching, mediation and positive psychology at institutions such as the University of East London (UEL), the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) and the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC).

Apart from his psychology work, Yannick founded and managed two startup companies in the areas of action sports and event solutions. Both had a strong social component and often helped to ground academic theory in practical experience.




Musical Background: 'TAKE THE CHANCE' by Nicolai Heidlas