I am a mother, artist, writer, teacher, energy healer and empowerment guide. Helping others truly feel their personal power and embrace self-love in all areas of life is my greatest mission.

The last 3 years have been DYNAMIC.

3 years ago I was separated from my now ex-husband, he was recovering from a stroke and I was trying to convince myself that we could reconcile.

I was teaching my 9th and final year of K-4 (Kindergarten for 4 year olds), working 3 jobs and tutoring 2 students.

I had recently learned energy healing and realized that self-love was a choice.

Since then I lost 60 lbs through self-love alone, got divorced, quit all of my jobs started my own business (Energy Healing), wrote and self-published a book (Parenting Built on Love), came to understand my sexuality (pansexual) dated a woman for a year and a half and supported my son through a gender transition to put it in a nutshell!

I have made some incredible friendships, been on magical vacations, discovered gifts and truths within myself and grown tremendously as a person. I am SO proud of the past 3 years!


Musical Background: 'TAKE THE CHANCE' by Nicolai Heidla