Skip Weisman, The Workplace Communication Expert, works with small business owners and non-profit organization leaders, PLUS their employees, providing inspiring, practical state-of-the-art strategies and tools to transform workplace communication creating championship caliber performance leading to more positive, more productive and even more profitable organizations. 

Skip, a former professional baseball executive, served as CEO of 5 baseball franchises beginning at age 26. Starting his senior executive career at that age provided hard learned lessons that are the foundation for the engaging, entertaining, educational, inspiring and practical presentations your organizational leaders can apply to raise the bar on performance in their work environments.

Personal life-style choices led Skip to leave his childhood dream career after the 2001 baseball season to start his speaking, coaching and consulting business. 

Since 2012 over 20,000 international business professionals have experienced Skip’s  engaging, interactive, inspiring, yet practical strategies in keynote addresses, seminars, and webinars on his signature topics of The 7 Deadliest Workplace Communication Sins, Touching 4 Bases for Success in Business & Life, and Mastering the 3 Levels of Communication Influence.

Some client’s include; The Project Management Institute, Society for Human Resource Management, Pink Elephant IT Service Management, New York Engineers’ Week, and the Eleanor Roosevelt ECCEL Leadership Program.

Skip earned a B.S. Degree in Communication, and a Masters Degree in Sports Administration and Facility Management, from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.

Skip and his wife Anne Saylor reside in New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley in the City of Poughkeepsie, NY, with their Himalayan cat, Lynx.