At the age of 55, I began the journey of earning my Ph.D. in Mathematics Education after being out of school for more than 30 years. While working full-time as a staff member at a local community college, I completed my Ph.D. in four years. I am still employed full-time at the college.

As I researched ways for students to excel in Mathematics (especially adults returning or starting college), I was particularly interested in helping students overcome fear, phobia, and stress related to math class and math tests.
In 2010, I found Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping) and began offering the process to students who were open to the different approach. Students returned telling me they passed math class, earned 100% on a math exam, and found math easier.

Then I began serious training in EFT and became a Certified Practitioner in EFT. Currently I am working on becoming a trainer to share this knowledge not only with math students, but with others who struggles with stress, fear, phobias, and anxiety.
My husband and I have been married 43 years this summer with three amazing children who married fabulous mates. We have three wonderful granddaughters with a fourth grandchild due any day.
I live a blessed and happy life!


Musical Background: 'TAKE THE CHANCE' by Nicolai Heidlas