My name is Denise Napoli Wagstaff. I'm a Believer, a wife, a mother, a Speech Language Pathologist and fairly new e-commerce business owner.

Over the past three years I've spent a large proportion of my time learning the ins and outs of creating my e-commerce business. I've learned that there is an entire digital subculture and world out there that I knew little to nothing about. I'm determined and a little obsessed with trying to figure out the best way for me to be a part of it. My goal is to be able to work from anywhere in the world - something I cannot do with my SLP work due to certification and regulatory requirements of the profession. Of course, I spend a lot of my time focused on my family- my family is my main priority, but my children are 23 and 19 and busy with their own lives and schedules so they need me less day to day than when they were younger. I also spend my days working in and on my Speech Language Therapy practice. I work primarily with children and families, and I also really enjoy helping adults improve the clarity of their speech through accent modification training. My passions include my God and my family, as well as cooking and learning about other cultures through travel and cuisine. I also have to admit to you (and myself!) that I love the internet and the incredible access to any sort of information I could ever want to find out about. 


I was born in Brooklyn, grew up in New York and moved to Toronto at the age of 25 when I married my Canadian husband. In 1983 I spent a semester abroad studying in Austria and traveling Europe. That's where I met my husband - on the main pedestrian street in Nice. We've now been happily married for over 28 years.


Musical Background: 'TAKE THE CHANCE' by Nicolai Heidlas