As a living example of training for life, Vanessa's story gives us all hope to be empowered to overcome any fears, obstacles and all sorts of adversity.

Starting her journey as a single teen mom, Vanessa was introduced to the business world out of desperation not only to provide for her daughter but also to create a stable lifestyle. It's never easy working and raising a child, but working 3 & 4 jobs forced Vanessa to leave her daughter with her mom throughout the week, nights & even weekends to be able to work. One evening after a long day of work, Vanessa walked in the house and heard her daughter calling her grand mom; "mom". As painful of a moment as that was, it was a turning point for her & she knew something had to change immediately!

As a young woman who was determined to take on the world, she found network marketing as a simpler option as she could work on her own terms as it required no previous experience, college education or knowledge necessary and her willingness to be trained was more important than any other ability or degree. After a few months of trial and error she figured out how to make money & she went on to build organizations over 100,000 distributors generating more than a million dollars per month in billing revenue and created & led her own Women's Empowerment Workshops. Touching the hearts of over 20,000 women, Vanessa went on to expand her expertise into coaching the masses but this time from business & life to health & wellness as the Health and Wellness Director at the YMCA. Since then she has entered the corporate world as an Executive where she has led many companies to substantial growth.

Vanessa's extensive 20+ year career & love for the health & wellness industry combined with her unique ability to connect exceptionally well to both men and women has been a huge component to her success and to the movement she has created with Train For Life as it focuses on the Five Pillars of Wellness:






Today, Vanessa is a leading example of what it means to Train For Life and is helping the masses achieve all their potential while doing it with responsibility and balance. She is sought after by many Fortune 500 companies to train their field executives on the Five Pillars of Wellness.

Vanessa is inspired by the good side of humanity and is an advocate of making it better by paying it forward & giving back to the community. She encourages her clients to do the same. It's not just a practical change, it's a lifestyle that has been developed for over 2 decades and it's now ready to be given as a gift to anyone who is ready to do more, have more and be more.

Musical Background: 'TAKE THE CHANCE' by Nicolai Heidlas