Karin Ovari ~ The Supervisors Coach


LinkedIn Profile for more information

Karin Ovari, is someone who celebrates what life has to offer, takes calculated risks, generates ideas and has always been a pioneer: in my coaching, in the breadth of industries I have been lucky enough to work in and in my general outlook on life.

I have 30 years’ experience as a leader myself, in both large and small organisations and across a multitude of disciplines; from co-leading expeditions in Antarctica, working offshore on oil rigs, training in the corporate IT world and, even, once upon a time - nursing.

And, having lived on 5 continents including Australia (origins), Hong Kong (in the heydays), South America (on a yacht), South Africa (personal growth) and now the Highlands of Scotland (new beginnings), I come to you with a broad and deep understanding of people, behaviours and communication styles.

In a nutshell

§ 12+ years coaching in high hazard industry

§ 20+ years in leadership and supervisory roles

§ 25+ years of amateur and professional yacht racing, including Antarctica expeditions

Leadership through cooperation

In order to succeed in any transitional situation, you need a support network. A skilled and experienced coach and mentor who knows first-hand that cooperation is the key to your success. In the high density of challenging situations I have found myself in, having transformational conversations – not just conversations, understanding your personal compass and demonstrating emotional intelligence are strategies that truly successful leaders employ all the time. I can help you achieve that. My coaching studies have helped bring theory and tools to a life-time of practice.

Core Knowledge & Experience

Ontological Coaching - Core Framework

EQ-I 2.0 & EQ-I 360 Reports and Assessments

C-IQ Conversation Intelligence Coach

ICI Inter-Cultural Intelligence & Diversity

Safety Culture Assessment & Development (ISCI

Culture Model)

Leadership Development- Specialising in Front

Line Management

Team Development – focus on contractor and

client integration

© 2016 Karin Ovari Limited

Process & Project Management; Excellent

Facilitation & Presentation skills

Tools Knowledge: Situational Leadership; DiSC

Behaviour Analysis; ICI – Intercultural

Intelligence, ICSI Safety Culture Diagnostics;

Belbin Team Tools; World Café

Various Safety Management Systems and applications