Matt Rehm is the creator of, podcastings most robust search and discovery platform. He was raised and still lives in the northern suburbs of Chicago.

His career path has taken him through various industries and regions of the world. He has made a habit of connecting people and data to improve business and lives. Whether he was improving analytics, supply chain or ecommerce, he has leveraged technology and data in a way that simplifies access and elevate user experience.


Matt is also podcasting’s biggest fan and advocate. His introduction to podcasting began in 2009 when looking to stream Chicago radio while on a trip to Ireland. As years passed, and his passion for podcasting grew, he became frustrated with the lack of a reliable way to find new shows. Soon after, was launched.


Taking notes from top database sites for their form and function, he created with a style built specifically for podcasting and internet radio. He encourages visitors to browse and search for their favorite show, personalities and locations. He also invites all podcasters to join and add their shows to the growing library of podcasts found on


Matt is a graduate of Illinois State University and is married with three daughters.


Musical Background: 'TAKE THE CHANCE' by Nicolai Heidlas