Selena Templeton-   Selena Templeton is the Diverse IT podcast host and writer for ITSPmagazine. In addition, she covers industry conferences such as ISSA-LA, Black Hat, AppSec and RSA. Despite earning an English degree that people warned her would make her obsolete in today's "anyone can write on the Internet" world, she has had no problem making a living with the written word.

 After working for two years in the Canadian publishing industry, she moved to California for the opportunities and the sunshine. She writes, ghostwrites and edits for a variety of clients across a wide spectrum of industries, including entertainment, health and digital marketing. Her not-so-secret passion is creative writing, and she is always writing, revising or sending out her novels and short stories to publishers, agents and literary magazines (where she had her first story published!).

One subject about which she has been passionate her whole life is the idea of diversity and inclusion. She believes that since people of all races, ages, genders, sexual orientations and neurodiversities use technology, the same diversity should be involved in the back-end of said technology.

Covering Black Hat 2016 with ITSPmagazine co-founders Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli was the impetus that led to the birth of Diverse IT, and in the last year she has helped grow this column and podcast into a safe and fun platform where her conversational interviews and articles give a voice to the thoughts, ongoing efforts and victories of all her guests.

(Diverse IT website:   Listen to another #12minconvo