Gail Foley-

Gail Foley is an entrepreneur, appreciation consultant, personal development trainer, author, speaker, network marketer and
a podcast talk show host and a connector. 

Locally people say she knows everybody!  Not yet, but she’s working on it.  She shares her own true story of transformation in “Stop The Ride! Taming The Emotional Roller Coaster” published in the book: ‘A Journey Within: Self- Discovery for Women’.

In her chapter she speaks from her own life changing personal experience and in sharing her story she first points out that embracing ‘positive’ thinking was not the beginning of Gail Foley’s persona.  However, determined to change, she embarked on a journey of self-education and promising herself to be the best in sales…she conquered her negativity and is now known for her never flagging ‘enthusiasm’…her adventure continues with her podcast, but not before she gained many more life experiences to share…

Today, all those experiences make up the life lessons she shares on her podcast show, “One Awesome Community”.  Gail has found that by sharing the good, the bad and the ugly of her life she is helping people on their journey to success.  Her passion is to inspire people to keep on keeping on in spite of the hiccups in life and to shed a light on different perspectives.

Raw and unedited, on One Awesome Community you will learn she is a wife, mother and grandmother and great grandmother.  Plus, shares her passion for sending cards as a Appreciation Consultant of 12 years for Send Out Cards – branded herself as the

 Her greatest joy comes from making a difference, either by making someone laugh or telling the right story at the right time.  She often focuses on trends and does her own rants and does not censor her viewpoints.  So if you like silly, serious and someone else’s perspective…tune in through AppleTunes, Stitcher Radio or website:
And grab her free e-book “Brand YOURSELF Awesome” at



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