Stephanie Piché-

Stephanie Piché is a Chef, Cooking Instructor, Wine Educator, Travel Presenter, Food Writer & Blogger...and now the host of her very own podcast - Flying For Flavour!

  On her never-ending quest for new flavours and experiences, she has travelled the world to over 30 countries (actually...33 and counting!) to gather insight and knowledge in international travel, luxury dining, local recipes and the world's best wines.

Stephanie was literally born into the kitchen.  All the women on both sides of her family are happiest when they are together cooking and serving food. Stephanie grew up in this atmosphere of love and laughter while learning family recipes that have been handed down for generations. It is this legacy that she safeguards and honours with the name of her company - Legacy Events Inc.  

Although tradition is important to Stephanie, in her culinary arts she pushes traditional flavour boundaries at every opportunity by blending her intuition with her adventurous side to concoct an ever growing bounty of mouth-watering dishes.    Known for her unique and innovative ingredient combinations, Stephanie is a chef whose recipes continually surprise and delight. Her distinctive pairings of food and wines reveal a true gift for heightening the fine cuisine experience.    
With her own website and podcast dedicated to all things food, drink and travel, Stephanie meets, chats and consults with people all over the world through Skype, social media and in person whenever she can.

From cooking and wine classes, food and travel writing, corporate & public events to community fundraisers, Stephanie shares her life's passions with grace and panache in her signature sparkle and high heels.
Food & Travel Expert President - Legacy Events Inc.   *New* Podcast Host of "Flying For Flavour"   [email protected]   Follow me on Twitter:  @stephaniepiche Follow me on Instagram: @stephanielpiche Follow on Facebook:  _________________________

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