Wade Roush-

Wade Roush is the producer and host of Soonish (www.soonishpodcast.org), an independent podcast about technology, culture, curiosity, and the future. The show’s motto and main message: “The future is shaped by technology, but technology is shaped by us.” 


From 2014 to 2016 Wade was acting director of MIT’s Knight Science Journalism fellowship program and lead developer of a proposed science communication initiative for MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. From 2007 to 2014, he was chief correspondent, Boston editor, San Francisco editor, columnist, and editor-at-large at Xconomy, an online news network covering high-tech innovation. From 2001 to 2006 he was senior editor and San Francisco bureau chief at MIT Technology Review. In earlier posts he served as the Boston bureau reporter for Science, managing editor of supercomputing publications at NASA Ames Research Center, and Web editor at ebook technology startup NuvoMedia.


Wade earned a B.A. in history and science from Harvard College (1989) and a PhD in the history and social study of science and technology from MIT (1994). He publishes at www.soonishpodcast.org, blogs at www.waderoush.com, and tweets from @soonishpodcast and @wroush.


Wade is also the co-founder of Hub & Spoke, a new collective of smart, idea-driven podcasts; for more information on all the Hub & Spoke shows see www.hubspokeaudio.org.


Wade lives in Cambridge, MA, with his Australian Shepherd pup, Gryphon.

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