Abhijit Naskar-

Abhijit Naskar is one of the world's celebrated Neuroscientists, an International Bestselling Author of numerous books and an untiring advocate of mental wellness and global harmony.

He has revealed to the world with his contributions in Science how the basic awareness of the brain can completely redefine our perception of life and make our daily life much more cheerful. He takes us on a fascinating investigative journey of understanding the human mind and its vivid features.

He was born in Calcutta, India. He quit his computer engineering studies and embarked on an expedition of scientific research. Today, the works of this self-educated scientist have made it possible for us to meet face to face with our inner selves. His rejuvenating scientific philosophy of the mind has been lavishing human life with the colors and sweetness of self-awareness since its advent with his very first book "The Art of Neuroscience in Everything".

Webpage: www.naskar.info

WordPress: www.naskarism.wordpress.com

Amazon: www.amazon.com/author/abhijitnaskar

Podcast: Consciousness with Naskar


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