Joe Barnes-

Joe Barnes is author of the critically acclaimed book Escape the System and the creator of the Screw the System website.


His story begins in the year 2000 as an undergraduate studying for a Political Science degree. It was at this point, he realised he was done playing The System's game.


"Study hard at school so that you can get into university"

"Get the best degree possible so you can get a good job"

"Work every hour under the sun to get promotion"

"In the meantime, get married and have kids. Doesn't matter who with, just don't be on your own"

"Then work towards your retirement. Earn enough money so that you can see out your last, burnt out years in comfort"



This was the path that lay before him. His parents approved it, teachers promoted it, peers followed it and the media reinforced it. Problem was, he hated it. Where was the adventure? Where was the romance? Quite frankly, where was the life?


Deciding he'd rather be dead than follow this path, he realised he had nothing to lose. He had dreams, so why not follow them?


What happened next was a journey that saw him become a tennis coach, hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner and author. He’s taught children who've gone on to play national level tennis, helped people stop smoking, lose weight, overcome insomnia and build confidence. Finally, and his greatest achievement, he’s helped people realise they don't have to stay trapped in The System and, instead, can live the life they want, through his writing, speaking and videos.


It's been an incredible journey, but as with every great adventure, there have been set-backs. He’s overcome depression, self-doubt and moments where he’s questioned his entire purpose and being. At times, he thought he’d have to return to The System's path but in these moments, three lines from George Bernard Shaw always gave faith and strength,


"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;

The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.

Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."


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