When Danny was interviewed in our company, he was mad that direct mail was our number one focus and where 90% leads were coming from because he was a little more techy. Later, he realized direct mail works better than anything else. On this episode, Brian will share what he’s learned over the years. However, direct mail isn’t going to be around forever as it's on its way out, so don't put all your eggs in one basket.


Why you need to exactly determine your target audience. How to determine the area to buy properties. Most expensive form of marketing in real estate. Why it's best to get into digital marketing. What to do once you know the types of properties you want. Why you should avoid spamming people. Getting started and where the best lists and pieces are. Why absentee owners are the easiest people to work with. Why you need a process for following up with probable clients. Who is a lead? Why it's powerful to figure out your cost to get a lead, your cost per deal, and your average profit per deal. Best ratio to deal with. Why getting people's email addresses is powerful.


Want to build passive income but confused about where to start?

Click the link below to book a FREE 45 minute strategy call with me.


On the call we'll layout your goals, what holds you back, and develop a clear action plan on exactly what you need to do next.

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Click here to book your free 45 minute Strategy Call with Brian:


When Danny was interviewed in our company, he was mad that direct mail was our number one focus and where 90% leads were coming from because he was a little more techy. Later, he realized direct mail works better than anything else. On this episode, Brian will share what he’s learned over the years. However, direct mail isn’t going to be around forever as it's on its way out, so don't put all your eggs in one basket.


Why you need to exactly determine your target audience. How to determine the area to buy properties. Most expensive form of marketing in real estate. Why it's best to get into digital marketing. What to do once you know the types of properties you want. Why you should avoid spamming people. Getting started and where the best lists and pieces are. Why absentee owners are the easiest people to work with. Why you need a process for following up with probable clients. Who is a lead? Why it's powerful to figure out your cost to get a lead, your cost per deal, and your average profit per deal. Best ratio to deal with. Why getting people's email addresses is powerful.


Want to build passive income but confused about where to start?

Click the link below to book a FREE 45 minute strategy call with me.


On the call we'll layout your goals, what holds you back, and develop a clear action plan on exactly what you need to do next.

Book your call now, slots fill up fast!

Click here to book your free 45 minute Strategy Call with Brian:
