What are the nerds listening to this week?

Darsh has been listening to video game music, specifically old Super Nintendo game music. What a nerd.

The Scared Fox has been listening to the new Sounds Of Animals Fighting EP and says it is great! The band is currently on tour this winter, good luck finding tickets!

Badger recommends the song Fire by the band Waxahatchee and also gives a sneak peek at one of his favorite albums of 2022, Big Thief's Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You.

The 60s or The Times They Were A Changing

We are exploring the decade that changed it all the 1960s, the vibe, the transformation, and the gear that helped change music into what it is today.

First, let's start off with the general vibe of the decade. If I had to label the vibe in one quote it would be “The Times They Are A Changing”

The early ’60s can still fall into the category we call “The oldies” which includes American standards like Elvis, Johny Cash, and also early Motown acts playing Soul, R&B, and DoWap. Bob Dylan released his first album in 1962 which was totally inspired by traditional Americana music like Folk, Bluegrass, and Country.

The mid ’60s was when the vibe really began to change, English acts were starting to Invade, Dylan went electric and change was in the air.

Artists started experimenting more with Psychedelic drugs, political protests, world music, and rebellion which was reflected in the stylistic changes of the music.

As the decade went on these changes were on full display with acts like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Led Zeppelin, and the Grateful Dead all coming into the spotlight.

All of this led up to 1969’s Woodstock festival which was one of the nation's most notable positive events. This all sets the stage for the 1970s but that’s a different episode.

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