It’s February and here in the Mid-Atlantic, that means Oh baby, it is cold outside! So for this month’s feature, we thought we would heat things up a bit with an offering from - 
Kiss: The Audio Series

“Some believe that a kiss is one of the most intimate connections that two people can share, but when it comes to Washington, D.C.'s Lipstick Serial Killer; a mere kiss could easily equate to death. The "Kiss of Death," as she is known to the public; preys on attractive, unsuspecting men with only one objective in mind: TO KILL! Sealing each murder with a sinful kiss to the frontal lobe, The "Kiss of Death" plots to destroy every man in her path for as long as she can.”

Kiss: The Audio Series comes to us from 11th Hour Audio Challenge participant, Xperience J. who created Santa Baby for 12th Night Horror and starred in Highway Chile


Hailing from Alexandria, Virginia, Xperience J, AKA Crystal Judkins, describes herself as a multi-hyphenate creative and we agree. As part of a musically talented, art-infused family she was destined for a life steeped in creativity. Crystal wrote her first novel in the 10th grade and has since published three books.
She is the co-founder of Two Pens and a Grind Publications, Black Audio Dramas Exist, and the founder of Shhh! Jus’ Listen Media where she uses her love of sound to produce innovative audio experiences. She is an audio producer, director, voice actor, and sound designer. In addition to Kiss: The Audio Series, she has also produced Past Due and is in pre-production on her next audio project.
When asked the probing and intellectual question “Why horror?” Crystal explained that she has loved horror since she was a child.

“There’s this thrill in being scared… can’t really explain it but I’ve always enjoyed it. Even the cheesy ones, it was a natural transition for me. I love the psychology behind horror, especially psychological thrillers… it’s a rush.”

Whatever her reason we’re glad she’s here to lend her voice and talent to the genre. Crystal weaves the dark threads of sexuality, violence, and power into an immersive, guilty pleasure. 

Series Created by: Xperience J and WAR 
Episode Written by: Xperience J
Produced/Sound Design by: Xperience J

Melanie E. Redmond
Khyriel Palmer
Mariah Tarlay

Music Credits:
Christian Anderson
Bonnie Grace
Aswan Johnson
Nature’s Symphony
Timothy Infinite