Welcome, dear listeners, for the month of September we’ve traveled to the Roth-Lodbow Center for Advanced Research, where darkness dwells and secrets are cast from the shadows. In this bone-chilling pilot episode of Darkest Night, Chapter 1 - The Will Reading, we delve into the sinister world of Project Cyclops, a macabre experiment tangled in a web of unimaginable visions and blood-stained revelations.

To hear more of Darkest Night head over to their website.

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Cast List:

Narrator - Lee Pace

Dr. John Kinsler - Denis O'Hare

Katie Reed - Brynn Langford

Claire Lobdow - Missi Pyle

Vivian Lobdow - Calie Schuttera

Oscar Lobdow - Johnny Ferro

Reginald Darden - Chris McKenna

Clinton Lobdow - David Cummings

Written by Christopher Bloodworth and Jimmy Juliano.

Directed and produced by Alex Aldea and Victor Figueroa.

Music composed by Alex Aldea.

Live Strings Performed by Andrew Joslyn.