Kentucky vs. Louisville. The SEC vs. ACC. In a game of Jimmies and Joes, can the Wildcats exert force to dominate the Cardinals and win a third straight Governor's Cup? Nick Roush and Adam Luckett break down all of the matchups that will define Saturday's season finale at Cardinal Stadium. Highlights:

UofL lives and dies on big plays, but in a different way than Tennessee.

The Cards surprisingly have one of the best O-lines UK has played.

How Florida prepared Kentucky to defend Louisville.

Letting Cunningham dink and dunk is a good thing.

Three guarantees you can set your watch to.

Should be a big day for the Big Blue Wall.

High stakes and the changing dynamics of the rivalry.

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Kentucky vs. Louisville. The SEC vs. ACC. In a game of Jimmies and Joes, can the Wildcats exert force to dominate the Cardinals and win a third straight Governor's Cup? Nick Roush and Adam Luckett break down all of the matchups that will define Saturday's season finale at Cardinal Stadium. Highlights:

UofL lives and dies on big plays, but in a different way than Tennessee.
The Cards surprisingly have one of the best O-lines UK has played.
How Florida prepared Kentucky to defend Louisville.
Letting Cunningham dink and dunk is a good thing.
Three guarantees you can set your watch to.
Should be a big day for the Big Blue Wall.
High stakes and the changing dynamics of the rivalry.

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