Jim Hughes For five years Jim has provided transformative experiences to high performers and entrepreneurs around the world through his unique brand of coaching, speaking and events.

Main Business Issues:

Consistent patterns of high revenue but low profit
Stuck in feast and famine cycles of growth and decline without the ability to create stability

Guest’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Throughout Jim’s career he unknowingly found himself in intense work situations either growing revenue quickly or putting out fires to avoid or navigate chaos
Turns out this very much parallelled his upbringing in terms of a family life that was intense, high energy and chaotic
The patterns inside his business were all reflective of the familiarity his nervous system had with operating in chaos vs. feeling unsafe in stability
Identified both the narrative and somatic work he had to do to heal and be with this part of himself and how to use his experiences as a gift not as a distortion

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