Dr. Marissa Castello  is a naturopathic doctor who helps ambitious, sensitive women embody their soul purpose and discover the best version of themselves in a 1:1 Private Mentorship. She has a private practice in Oceanside CA where she hosts women's circles and educational classes and also authored a cookbook on plant based sauces last year!

Main Business Issues:

Reaching a glass ceiling in her business
Overwhelmed at the workload

Marissa’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Marissa was very aware of what she needed to do simplify her life and business but wasn’t executing on even the simplest solutions
She identified her ‘rebellious teenager’ as one of the aspects that coming up as her resistance to structure
As we dug deeper, she realized that the rebellious teenager was acting out because it was feeling neglectful and abandoned
The lack of support she was unwilling to provide to herself was a protective mechanism
We also identified the fear of success that was causing all these self sabotaging behaviors

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