Tearhsa Wilder is the founder of The Souls Harmony.

As a channel of the upper realms, she has authored the "40 Days to Soul Enlightenment" Book & Affirmation Card Deck and the "40 Days to Soul Expansion" Book.

Her personal healing journey birthed the Meridian Enlightenment “ME” Energy Healing modality, which she now teaches and certifies holistic practitioners and the “Magic ME” Quick Clearing Activations.

Tearhsa is a Conscious Living Mentor, creator of the "It's My Damn Life" – 3 Steps to Personal Peace & Power Program and weekly host of “Tuesday’s with Tearhsa”.

Main Business Issues:

Getting herself out there to attract the right clients
Despite working a lot she sees little financial rewards from her efforts

Tearhsa’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Much of Tearhsa’s perfectionism and hestinatncy in becoming visible in her business came from a fear of being exposed
As someone raised always believing she needs to be ‘seen not heard’ it was hard to break free from that pattern
What was trying to emerge was the healing of that story as it related to her business
In addition, Tearhsa was also able to break down how hiding and playing small kept her safe in multiple chapters of her life, but it was not holding her back from expanding her business and sharing her gift

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