Erin Baute has  been studying and working in the field of behavior change for over 20 years. She is currently finishing her PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, with a focus on coaching and development.

She has spent time throughout her career honing her skills in behavior change,  consciousness, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, communication strategy, relationship management and is practiced at integrating the Enneagram model to help individuals in both life and at work.

Erin is teaching her clients effective strategies to pivot, in real time, in all facets of their lives.  She especially loves using the Enneagram to facilitate strategic understanding of behavior and productive communication approaches.

Main Business Issues:

Just making enough consistently to cover the basic costs but never really thriving
Growth is either non existent or “accidental” i.e. certain months just blip higher than normal but it’s not intentional
Constantly being on a hamster wheel of work but not having the time freedom or money freedom to show for it
Playing small in terms of impact

Erin’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Erin was very successful in her academic and corporate career but was at best surviving in her business
Despite having great self awareness that she wasn’t reaching out beyond her “safe referral bubble” of previous contacts she didn’t understand why he couldn’t step out and reach for new opportunities
Turns out her self doubt wasn’t about being good enough to deliver on her work, it was self doubt about setting and meeting her own success standards
She realized that she needed the external ‘yes’ of the structure of a corporate setting to giver herself permission to really show her gift
Additionally, she had a lot of narratives around the human and tenderness aspects of her work and how it conflicts with the “coldness of business”
Ultimately, she realized that a lot of her patterns circled around not being good enough to allow herself success

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