Meet Lana Hall: psychologist, author, and woman on a mission to empower other women to live a meaningful, authentic and joyous life with full confidence.

Lana is married, with two children, two businesses, and a tendency towards worrying about ‘doing enough’ and getting things ‘right’ – she was the original inspiration for her book, The Slow Life Project, which helps readers focus on, and embody, what’s truly meaningful to them in life, and in doing so, feel satisfied, on the right path for them, and know that what they’re doing really is enough.

Having worked in the mental health field since 2006, and with a life long interest in personal development, Lana’s big vision is to share the benefits of psychological strategies and knowledge with a much larger audience than would ever go to a psychologist.

Key learnings and takeaways:

As a long time psychologist Lana had a growing practice mostly built by referrals
As her capacity was reaching its threshold she was finding herself more and more overwhelmed and unable to grow
This took her towards looking at online avenues and also trying to get more exposure for her book
However as we spoke it turned out she was actually spinning a lot of plates and diluting her focus
It meant that she didn’t have a ‘solvable problem’ a way to actually narrow her focus on what will actually move her closer to what she wanted
In addition, a lot of her visibility issues were coming to pass and not allowing her to progress forward with her business

Connect w/ Lana:

@slowlifeprojectco (IG)