Martina Wall is a curvy self-love guide who is empowering women to find self-love at any size through many different holistic approaches. She helps women to accept & respect their bodies, show up for life with confidence & find their purpose. All areas of your life change when you're able to love who you see in the mirror.

Key learnings and takeaways:

Martina had issues connecting to potential clients and thought they had a hard time investing in themselves

It was a chicken before the egg problem as she knew how important it was to teach them self love but it wasn’t something they were resonating with

We dove into helping her reconnect to who she was before her transformation and realize that there may be other aspects of her worldview she can connect to - wanting relief from the pain of hating her body

She found the synergy between reconnecting with that aspect of herself and using that to connect to potential clients by meeting them where they are at instead of where she is now

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