Melissa Lion West helps people who have left high demand religions break free from fear and guilt, so they can live confident lives of purpose.

Melissa is a Cult survivor turned international confidence and self-worth coach, world traveler, nature lover and badass mom of 4. She shares vulnerably how she went from living in a high demand religion for 30 years with no voice or power to becoming a non-profit director and business owner that champions people creating a life they love.

Melissa shares how shame and guilt shaped my life, how the fear of what others thought paralyzed me and how I finally broke free.

Melissa inspires people to bravely own their stories, embrace themselves and live joyfully all while giving practical steps and guidance on how to do so.

Melissa’s highlights and takeaways:

Melissa knew she had patterns that kept her back but she couldn’t find the root of them

She was stuck in patterns of procrastination, avoiding selling and even shying away from inbound requests for her coaching

She thought the root of this issue was ‘What will people think of me?’

After some prodding we discovered that it was actually deeper than that - it was that asking money for help was sleazy

This was brought on by her past and what she saw in the cult environments she grew up in

As we began to dissect the false narrative and realize further that subconsciously she also assumed that making money meant taking away power. She began to get excited about selling again

Lastly, we dove into how selling can be reframed as an extremely empowering tool for the person she is coaching

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