As the Depression Muse, Fiona Tate is on a mission to reduce the global suicide rate to 0, by celebrating people's differences rather than attackign them.  She believes that Recovery from Depression is a ridiculous idea, and that using it as a muse to create something beautiful is much more realistic.

Fiona’s highlights and takeaways:

Using depression to invert it and creating it into something beautiful and artful
Using depression to find its positive qualities vs. recovering from it
She’s had depression since she was a kid and is “textbook case” of losing a parent, genes and child abuse
Fell into a job of mental health working with people with severe mental health issues and that's where she started to heal
She came to a crossroads where she realized she wouldn’t be a mother and had to take decision on whether she was gonna let the depression win or do something with it
She found an outlet through writing to work through it specifically writing a vampire novel
Her main business issue is reaching the people that can pay her for her services, which ironically is where she used to be in her life
She realized she was trying to save the person she was years ago who couldn’t afford her services and thus proving herself (and her beliefs) right
She realized that her beliefs was exactly what was driving her results and if she wanted new ones she would have to change her beliefs

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