Dave Gold brings the full power and wisdom of his 45 years as a businessman, trial lawyer, executive consultant, and spiritual mentor to liberate world-changing executives and entrepreneurs from the shackles of self-doubt and self-disqualification.

Key takeaways for Dave in this episode: 

Diving into how his vast spiritual experience combined with his family lineage and previous business success made for a model of life he wanted to let go of
One model was the one that got him here - hard work, sacrifice and push energy was the way forward - which was at odds with what his soul was calling for - a model of ease, flow and pull energy
We broke down how that push/pull energy of split energy was affecting his current coaching business and keeping him stuck in the lack mentality
The void of not making the decision to embrace the new model was triggering old wounding of the scarcity inherent in his lineage and that was the catalyst for moving into the new abundance

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