On this live coaching Real Talk segment we have Sam "The Miracle Man" who literally lives up to his name. After suffering for 37 years from a laundry list of ailments Sam went through a miraculous healing transformation in the course of 2 years.

Sam dives into his process of meditation and focusing on inner peace while staying anchored in the universal support of ‘All is Well’ that led to his healing. And live on the call I help him shift his money frame away from acquiring stuff and towards ‘money as an amplifier’ allowing him to focus on universal abundance to spread his message and work of healing.

What we cover in this episode:

How Sam “The MIracle Man” came to be from a an accident at 6 years old to bipolar and suicidal to battling Multiple Sclerosis

Why a PR person helping Sam share his story resisted putting him on broader media because his miraculous story of healing was “too good to be true”

Sam’s experience with Dr. Gabor Mate and how he explained Sam’s healing as ‘you stopped believing your mind’

The seemingly random ghost hunting trip that catalyzed Sam’s journey towards healing

How the attachment people hold to ‘healing’ is actually holding them back from the healing they seek

How Sam used the universal truth of “All Is Well” in his meditations to heal himself in 2 years after 37 years of suffering

Sam’s live on the air realization that All is Well can be true in lack and in abundance and that we can choose to focus on ‘All is Well-er” if we decide to let abundance in

Shifting his money story from one that buys stuff to one that amplifies his healing message

Rooting your offering in the benefit of the other not in terms of our own effort or perceived ease in delivering what we do

About Sam "The Miracle Man"

I was a very sick man for 37 years,  and healed myself in a way that doctors called me a ‘medical miracle’. I now live a life as a beacon to others in hopes to show them that  I'm living proof that everything is possible.

Connect With Sam "The Miracle Man"



