This episode of UpLevel Mind takes a different approach. Instead of coaching a guest, I interview Chad and Holly Ockstadt, marketing experts who specialize in helping coaches create successful programs that align with their true selves.

We discussed a range of topics, including financial and personal hardships, and explored how to balance deep coaching work with effective marketing and sales strategies.

Time stamps:

00:00 Introduction of Holly and Chad Ockstad

01:09 The Journey from Struggle to Success

07:05 The Importance of Integrity

09:26 Navigating Self-Sabotage and Integrity

11:16 Marketing and Sales Strategies for Coaches

15:15 Aligning 5D Concepts with Real-World Results

23:08 Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

24:05 The Worst-Case Scenario Exercise

25:03 Navigating Business Challenges

26:10 The Five Core Functions of Business

28:34 Addressing Allergies and Addictions

31:21 The Importance of Integrity

33:16 Dealing with Deservingness and Shame

34:29 Healing Trauma and Self-Sabotage

42:05 Self-Help Techniques for Coaches

45:48 Holistic Coaching Programs

46:35 Final Thoughts and Where to Find Chad and Holly

Connect with Chad And Holly