Roberto Capodieci, an Italian-born technology innovator, has profoundly impacted the world of emerging technologies, particularly in the realms of decentralized systems and blockchain technology. His journey in the IT sector began at a remarkably young age, setting the stage for a career filled with significant achievements and contributions.

Currently residing in the serene environment of Bali, Indonesia, Roberto conducts most of his business activities from the bustling hub of Singapore, strategically positioning himself in the heart of technological innovation in Asia.

Main Business Issues:

Delegation and hiring issues created by people pleasing patterns 

Roberto’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

- In the podcast, Drasko interviews Roberto Capodieci, an Italian-born innovator in technology, particularly in the realms of decentralized systems and blockchain technology. 

- Roberto talks about his background, including his youth in Italy, his experiences in the United States, and his current life in Southeast Asia. He is a father of four and has been a serial entrepreneur from a young age.

- Roberto discusses some troubles he has had with finding the right business partners and maintaining relationships with them. He believes he may be at fault for these issues, stating he might be "too romantic" for business, often putting personal feelings over practicalities.

- During the discussion, they delve into the problem of teams in workplaces, how much trust to afford employees, and the damage that can be caused by bad experiences.

- Roberto also touches on past disappointments and struggles in terms of business partnerships and projects, admitting it's been a struggle to find consistent, reliable people to work with. 

- The discussion reveals Roberto's approach towards dealing with under-performing employees, focusing more on delivery-based work rather than monthly salaries to ensure consistent performance.

- The conversation also highlights the importance of balancing being liked and being effective as a leader, a concept identified as 'people pleasing', and how it may affect decision-making in business contexts.

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