Dionne Mejer is a 25+ year sales and technology veteran specializing in helping leaders transform their sales teams through tried and true methods.

Main Business Issues:

Underworking in her business 

Dionne’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

Dionne was experiencing under performance inside of her business and as a result was trying to solve it with better systems and delegation 

This wasn’t really working to get her the results she wanted despite a track record of high performance in her past

As we dove deeper it turned out that she had a lot of avoidance patterns that were creating her tendency to under work on the things in front of her 

Additionally, we dove into how these patterns also stem from self worth challenges and how that ties in to people pleasing 

We also explored how the solutions to this stem from identifying the beliefs that create the issues, discharging the emotions that block her and also embodying a better version of herself inside her business 

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