Robyn Eidelson is an Executive and Leadership coach who focuses on helping women in management roles lead more boldly by finding their confidence and owning their voice so they can have the impact they dream of at work. She has honed her coaching skills over years by working in a variety of industries and roles, going through coaching certification programs with the Co-Active Training Institute and International Coaching Federation, and working with clients at all levels and tenures.

Main Business Issues:

Hiding in terms of how she shows up online 

Robyn’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

Despite being a seasoned coach who’s been through a lot of experiences she coaches her clients through Robyn had a visibility block that was keeping her from marketing online

It would always be an uphill battle to overcome her inner judge to get just basic posts out to her audience

Additionally, she recognized that this also responsible for keeping her content very diluted even when it did get posted

As we dove deeper into this we recognized the root of a lot these issues stemmed from avoiding conflict, needing to be right and having always had an inner critic that sabotaged her efforts 

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