Jen Romanowski is a Psychic Medium, Soul Healer, Spiritual Advisor, Shadow Worker, Eclectic Witch, Practiced Magician, Recovering Alcoholic and founder of Sunshine Readings. Her passion is helping others learn how to step into their shadows so they can uncover their magickal gifts needed to remove any energetic blocks to their soul’s enlightenment.

Main Business Issues:

Making the transition into the full expression of her purpose inside her business

Jen’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Jen was in a unique position in that she was splitting her time between a fulfilling corporate career and her more purposeful calling of being a spiritual advisor
Unlike most people looking to get out of their jobs Jen was really transitioning from a good spot towards creating a great spot
As we progressed the conversation she unlocked a slew of headtrash that was keeping her stuck mainly circling around lacking self trust to take the leap

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