Helena Carrizosa is a true renaissance woman as the founder of 3 businesses, as well as a  Spiritual-life and Business Coach who elevates creative entrepreneurs and companies. She works as a catalyst for intuitive & human potential, where creative & fashion professionals along with SME's can reach their goal of a more sustainable future while aligning  with the FLOW OF LIFE to thrive!

Main Business Issues:

Lack of people being able to find me and the lack of growth that comes from that

Helena’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

As a creative Helena thought her issue was finding a marketing tactic that felt authentic to her
Digging deeper into it, she realized that a fear of shining and the pressures of that were actually the resistance she felt to marketing
In turn she also had a lot of limiting narratives around selling her coaching to other creatives
In addition, she realized how the protective parts of her would block her from truly owning how much these childhood woundings were affecting her ability to find abundance in her business

Connect w/ Helena:




Fasion Label insta: @helenacarrizosalabel

NEW coaching insta: https://www.instagram.com/the.flow.of.life_withhelena/