Megan Leatherman is the founder of A Wild New Work, an ecological career development agency based in the Pacific Northwest. As a career coach, mother, writer, podcast host and amateur ecologist, Megan has helped thousands of professionals reconnect to their strengths and to what deeply matters to them. She has a Master’s degree in conflict resolution, a background in Human Resources, and believes that our work can be a spiritual practice. You can learn more about her at.

Main Business Issues:

At capacity in terms of workload and earnings

Guest’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Growth capacity had much less to do with productivity and much more to do with inner patterns that were reflecting inside the business
A lot of limiting beliefs on what she believed is possible and the limitation on pricing meant serving a lot of people without much return
Finding comfort in staying busy means constantly working without the rewards
Constantly putting out fires meant not allowing for reflection time that is needed to get to the next level and grow the business

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