Daniel Felt is the Founder and CEO of Kura Home. Since starting in 2016, Kura Home has grown from Daniels garage to four different states and 32 employees. Focusing on high quality work at a fair price, Kura Home services over 600 homes on a quarterly basis completing their routine maintenance needs.

Main Business Issues:

Clarity on how to balance marketing needs w/ operation needs

Guest’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Daniel was clear on his Zone of Genius which was in operations and team development
Marketing and being the brand was his Zone of Excellence, something he was good at and expected to do but didn’ light him up
Because of the fear of letting go he was stuck always balancing between the needs of marketing and gaining customers but it took away from where he actually excelelled
The conversation here allowed him to realize where he was resisting the next stage of growth which was in letting go and allowing his best to shine through as he allows someone else to excel in the promotion

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