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Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a man named Justin. Now, Justin had a peculiar habit. No matter what anyone said to him, he would always respond with a baffled expression and ask, "What do you mean?"

It didn't matter if someone said something as simple as, "The sky is blue," or "I'm going to the grocery store." Justin would always reply, "What do you mean?"

His friends, family, and even strangers in the town grew increasingly frustrated with Justin's constant questioning. They tried their best to explain things to him, but no matter how detailed or simple their explanations were, Justin's response remained the same, "What do you mean?"

One day, Justin's friends decided to play a little prank on him. They gathered in the town square, waiting for Justin to arrive. As soon as he approached, one of his friends shouted, "Justin, guess what? You've won the lottery!"

Justin, true to his nature, looked puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

His friends burst into laughter and said, "Justin, it means you're a millionaire! You're rich!"

But Justin, without missing a beat, responded with his trademark question, "What do you mean?"

Now thoroughly confused, his friends attempted to explain the concept of winning the lottery and the vast wealth that would come with it. They used diagrams, and charts, and even brought in a financial advisor, but no matter what they did, Justin's response remained unchanged, "What do you mean?"

Months passed, and Justin's habit of asking "What do you mean?" became a running joke in the town. People would purposely come up with outrageous statements just to witness Justin's bewildered expression and hear his repetitive question.

Finally, one day, a renowned philosopher visited the town. Hearing about Justin's peculiar habit, he decided to meet him and engage in a conversation. The philosopher posed a deep and thought-provoking question, asking, "Justin, what is the meaning of life?"

Justin, with genuine curiosity, looked at the philosopher and asked, "What do you mean?"

The philosopher, taken aback by the unexpected response, paused for a moment, pondering the significance of Justin's question. After deep contemplation, he smiled and said, "Justin, perhaps the meaning of life is to keep questioning, to seek understanding, and to never settle for easy answers."

From that day forward, Justin's habit of asking "What do you mean?" took on a whole new light in the town. Instead of annoyance, it became a reminder to embrace curiosity, explore new perspectives, and continually searc

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