The Life of Riley was a 30-minute family sitcom that started airing on CBS radio on April 12, 1941. It starred William Bendix as the lead character Chester A. Riley, a simple aircraft plant worker with a very complicated life. "What a revoltin' development this is!" was Riley's famous line in the show, which he usually utter after getting into one mess after another.

Due to its popularity, the show lasted for a decade, with the last episode aired on June 29, 1951. A total of 320 episodes were produced during its entire run. It also has a movie and TV adaptation in the 1950s. The movie adaption was a flop in terms of ratings, although it ironically received the very first Emmy Award. The TV adaptation (with also starred Bendix), on the other hand, was a success, producing more than 200 episodes in its six season run.

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